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Acting Classes for Actors (16 Hours)


Acting Classes for Actors is ideal for all talent interested in pursuing a career in the performing arts, and professional auditioners.

We can also introduce talent to industry stakeholders through your Self Tape, depending on the strength of the self-tape, in the final week.An ideal creative course for all ages, including establishing and established talent, running weekly for 8 weeks, at 2hrs per/week, recording your self-tape in the final week.A similar performance model to those who produce show-reels for talent, however our point of difference is that we are very selective regarding the scenes we workshop, usually heightened drama, because we strive to bring out the best in your performance.Best affordable acting schools in Brisbane, we are an ideal workshop experience for all talent and all ages.

We offer a dynamic one on one acting workshop experience.rehearsing weekly, exploring acting, voice & movement, workshopping interesting short scenes. Share & receive feedback each week to help you achieve your creative goal in the final week.Film your self-tape and exhibit your creative range and versatility.

We celebrate gender equality, and we offer affordable acting classes in Brisbane and online, so, if you’re intending to pursue or you are currently established as an actor, this is the creative course to help you maintain your craft.It’s an ideal workshop experience for career minded talent and performing artists.

Places are limited, BOOK NOW.EFT also available: $1099.99 per/8 weeks.

BSB – 084424Acc – 726114074 Ref – Acting Classes for Actors 1/1. Send – Screenshot of bank remittance advice receipt to M: 0412786549.

Please note: Students who do not complete this course in full, may not be entirely prepared to film/shoot their self-tape at the end of the term.

What will I need for my one-on-one acting workshop?

1 x Smart phone, to record your creative development.

1 x Simple backdrop, either a green, blue, black or grey curtain or screen.

1 x Light, either a good ceiling, camera attachment or ring light.

1 x Black shirt A tripod for your camera is best, however we can improvise too.

This training package excludes rescheduling and refunds.


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