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Acting Classes for Non-Actors (2 Hours)



Up to 15 players per/class, Acting Classes for Non-Actors is an ideal Team Building experience for anyone, and everyone interested in learning acting skills, without being an actor.

We provide fun, resourceful, engaging and energising team building activities for companies, staff parties, social clubs and corporate fun days, and the best part is, our forte is group events and bonding.

We celebrate gender equality, and our acting classes for non-actors is ideal for all ages, running daily for 2hrs for 15 players and 4hrs for 30 players (Rate remains the same), including a chance to present your scene in front of your work mates, and film your scene on your own smart device too, as a memento.

A similar team building model to those who produce dynamic group team building concepts, however our point of difference is that we actively demonstrate creative skills that can enhance:

  • Self-Confidence
  • Presenting
  • Speech and Drama skills
  • Vocal Projection and Articulation

In fact, many of our corporate clients claim that these creative skills are quite sought after within their staffing and managerial department. We offer the best affordable team building options in Brisbane, as we are an ideal acting class for non-actors, especially for those who have always wanted to try acting, yet never had the chance.

This team building experience in very interactive and is available as a dynamic group acting class for non-actors.

Please note:The following format is a suggestion, only, because every team building event and the players within it, are obviously different.

First Hour: We begin by introducing ourselves, including a fun fact.We break the ice with some fun theatre sports. We introduce a fun short scene.

Second Hour: We read the scene as a group to get a feel for it. We pair up and begin workshopping with two players at a time. We swap over to get a feel for what it’s like to workshop with others.

Third Hour: We re-group to unpack what we now know about the scene and what it’s about. We begin a casting process to match all players to a role. We begin rehearsing the scene with a chosen partner, using our acting, voice & movement skills. We re-group to view each other’s work. We share feedback, both warm fuzzy, constructive and positive reinforcement. We begin filming each scene that each pair is happy to perform for the group. We view the footage back as a group, and provide any additional feedback about our acting, voice and movement skills. We share a brief Q&A for anyone who has questions about what we explored today.

That’s a wrap! We offer affordable acting classes for non-actors in Brisbane, both in-person and online, so, if learning acting is something you’ve always wanted to do, this is the ideal team building activity for you and your work colleagues.

No matter your background, nationality, occupation or acting experience, this team building package is genuinely designed to:

  • Inspire Connection
  • Establish Great Communication
  • Foster Team bonding
  • Stimulate Self- Confidence
  • Inspire Motivation
  • Increase Productivity
  • Improve Morale
  • Most importantly, to just have some creative FUN!

Places are limited, BOOK NOW.

EFT Team Building option 1: $2749.99 per/2hrs for 15 Players.

EFT Team Building option 2: $3749.99 per/4hrs for 30 Players.

BSB – 084424 Acc – 726114074 Ref – Acting for Non-Actors Team Building Package.

Send – Screenshot of bank remittance advice receipt to M: 0412786549.

What will I need for my acting class for non-actors?

  1. 1 x Smart phone, to record your creative development.
  2. 1 x Black shirt, Jeans and Black sneakers.
  3. A bottle of water to keep your voice moist.
  4. A note pad and pen, if you wish to take notes.

Please note: This team building package excludes rescheduling and refunds.


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